The Eristics Test
The Eristics Test

The Hero is an asset to any group. Confident and loving, the Hero is pro-social and self-sacrificing.

Artist ·  Giver ·  Hero ·  Defender ·  Observer ·  Lancer · Architect ·  Fixer ·  Wizard

frustration is good, arguing for family and physical survival

Your best arguments:

self intuitive
low complexity
fast & powerful
friends & family
5 relationships
love & disgust
world cognitive
medium complexity
co-workers, rivals
25 relationships
fear & anger

Your worst:

society narrative
high complexity
slow & persistent
125 relationships
guilt & pride

Emotions argue for survival, in one of two forms



argues for
family survival




argues for
physical survival




argues for
tribal survival


The Hero feels love and anger

Your first base emotion


Passionate, warm, caring

Possessive, self-absorbed

Your second base emotion


Assertive, savvy, disagreeable

Vengeful, volatile, cruel

Emotions express as beats

Emotions work like a jury of the three arguments, which combine in beats. Eristic beats are fast, like a heartbeat.


Eristics mostly looks at the form of the two strongest arguments involved in a beat. Any archetype can feel any emotion, but they tend to feel particular emotions.

love and anger form the beat frustration

Going from love to anger is a big step, in an eristic sense. Frustration argues for adding to the self, while also arguing to modify the world.

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride








Frustration spans from love to anger.

The Hero will typically feel love-first emotions before fear-first emotions. Their consideration of the others in their extended self is inherent, not an afterthought, so they rarely feel passion, the inter-beat experiencing of love on its own. Their love is built-in and functional, making them an asset to everyone in their extended self.

The common recurring emotion with a Hero who can't obtain frustration rewards is rage. The point of frustration is to serve the self argument with anger. Rage is basically what happens when anger is served instead.

Duress is particularly rough on the Hero, because fear-disgust is like a functional inversion of love-anger.

There are many combinations

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Satisfaction Revelation Frustration Contempt Remorse Duress Zeal Devotion Hatred Envy Anxiety Attachment

The Hero uses beats with love and anger

The Hero feels beats containing love and anger:

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Satisfaction Frustration Devotion Attachment
Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Frustration Remorse Zeal Hatred

Emotions are needs

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride

The base emotions are like underlying survival needs.

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Love Fear Guilt Hatred Pride

Hatred fulfills disgust and anger, for example.

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Love Duress Anger Pride

Duress fulfills fear, guilt and disgust, leaving love, anger and pride unfulfilled.


Self and world

The Hero needs to win against the world, or some part of it, through anger. Physical activities with physical results are especially important to this archetype.

  • Prone to depression (duress)
  • The most athletic archetype

The self argument covers friends and family too, so the Hero will be quick to use anger on their behalf.

Sports and hobbies

Non-frustrating hobbies are a great escape for the Hero, who can use them to satisfy anger's world-needs without societal expectations. Sports can offer a healthy outlet for anger.

Beats have opposing forms


remorse  ↔  revelation
anxiety  ↔  zeal

The Hero can turn off frustration by feeling duress

The Hero copes with duress, the combination of fear and disgust.

Duress is best characterized as a feeling of being trapped. It's a difficult emotion to invoke, but the Hero may fall into a pattern of invoking duress in order to escape frustration.

Coping with duress may look like:

Overcommitting: You might be a big asset to too many groups.

Depression: Duress is the emotion behind depression.

Self-perfection: Self-improvement can be a distraction for you.

Culture mainly satisfies emotion in three patterns

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Attachment Envy Zeal

Attachment/envy/zeal cultures are typically family- or individualism-oriented and hard-working.

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Devotion Contempt

Devotion/contempt cultures have strict rules, devoted followers and a disdain for outsiders.

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride








Satisfaction culture, usually for smaller groups, focuses on avoiding fear, guilt, disgust and anger.

complexity: ████ 4/10
    energy: ████ 4/10

The Hero favors fawn and fight equally.

Satisfying love and anger together is, well, frustrating:

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride








Frustration falls just short of satisfaction.

As a characteristic emotion, frustration is big, cumbersome, and even when achieved, not very satisfying.

The Hero's secret weapon is approaching love and anger separately, through attachment and zeal:

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Attachment Zeal

Attachment and zeal are the easiest way to achieve love and anger.

Attachment and zeal put love and anger in the driver's seat, emotion-wise, unlike frustration where it can feel like anger is happening to you.

Fitting in

The Hero's affinity for attachment/zeal makes the archetype a good match for the attachment/envy/zeal pattern:

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Attachment Envy Zeal

This societal pattern can serve the Hero's two biggest needs of love and anger.

The Hero will find a good emotional complement in the Fixer, since the Hero isn't inherently good at envy.

The other societal pattern of devotion/contempt is a harder challenge for the Hero. Devotion can serve the Hero's need for feeling love, but doesn't do it as well as attachment which uses the self/world pattern like frustration. Contempt is especially hard for the hero because it abbreviates anger, the Hero's other need.

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Frustration Devotion Contempt

Frustration just doesn't fit in well with devotion/contempt.

In such a society, the Hero will end up feeling one of two patterns:

Love Fear Guilt Disgust Anger Pride







Devotion Disgust Zeal Devotion Hatred Pride

Both of these patterns can be destructive for the Hero.

The devotion/hatred/mania pattern is bad for the Hero, because the anger is out of control. Heroes who fall out of the devotion expectation completely will revert to attachment/envy/zeal, ultimately not fitting in with the greater group.

Emotions use energy

Lower energy  →  Higher energy

Emotions can be addictive, like a drug made in your head

Your archetype is most prone to first- and second-argument addictions:

love addiction

anger addiction

Here are all six base emotion addictions:


Anyone can become addicted to any emotion. Emotional addictions are rare, even among the associated archetypes, and usually require outside help.

Emotions have virtues

virtue of love
virtue of fear
virtue of guilt
virtue of disgust
virtue of anger
virtue of pride

The Hero possesses compassion and courage

The Hero is naturally good at compassion and courage which work like love and anger.

virtue of disgust
virtue of fear

The Hero should aim to develop discretion and honor, which work to moderate love and anger.

virtue of love
virtue of anger

The hardest-to-develop virtue for the Hero is fairness.

virtue of pride

Virtues act like the opposite of their emotion. It's like coping but conscious and intentional, honed by practice. For the Hero, the need for fairness goes along with a weak pride argument.

There are nine archetypes

Other archetypes may be similar to yours

These archetypes have the same first argument, love:

These archetypes share your second argument, anger:

Archetypes with the same missing/third argument:

This archetype is the inversion of yours: